Aliyah Kovner
Aliyah Kovner is the host and producer of A Day in the Half-Life and a science writer/editor based in Northern California. Aliyah loves to share STEM through fresh and informative stories that highlight moments of awe-inducing discovery and breakthrough alongside the humorous, humbling and often equally informative moments of failure and accident.
Previous to her role at Berkeley Lab, she was a reporter at IFLScience with a wide-ranging beat, though she had a special focus on deciphering health and medicine studies. When not recording episodes from her closet, Aliyah is often exploring outside with her wayward dog or watching too much TV.
Previous to her role at Berkeley Lab, she was a reporter at IFLScience with a wide-ranging beat, though she had a special focus on deciphering health and medicine studies. When not recording episodes from her closet, Aliyah is often exploring outside with her wayward dog or watching too much TV.